Mike Hansen

2024 Hall of Fame Entry

    Chapter: Grand Rapids and Lansing

Mike Hansen joined the Lansing Capital City Chordsmen in 1992. He was instrumental in helping to build the chapter to a record 96 men on the contest stage in the fall of 1996. Over the years Mike has served several positions on the Lansing Chapter board. Mike has also organized and helped write scripts for Lansing shows over the years.

Mike served as Pioneer District President in 2016 and 2017. Since serving as President Mike has returned to serve on the district board again as immediate past president the last 3 years.

Mike has been instrumental in reviving the Windsor Sendoff show and moved it to Lansing 2 years ago. He is also instrumental in developing the “Friends of the Pioneer” program.

Mikes first quartet was Renaissance with Tim Duman, Paul Jones, and the late great Bob Fox. Mike was also involved in one of the first mixed quartets Side Kicks with his close friend Brian Dunckel. They won one of the first mixed quartet contests at the Buckeye Invitational. Mike won the seniors district contest with Station Break (Steve Waarner, Randy McClaren and TC Connor in 2019 and represented the district at Midwinter that year in Nashville.

In 2014 Mike added a dual membership and joined the Grand Rapids chapter – he has sung on the International contest stage with Grand Rapids 7 times.

Before retiring, Mike was President of community college association for 15 years.

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